Omaha Fashion Week's next season is just around the corner, and we're thrilled to share more about our amazing lineup of designers!
Meet Lydia Loya, the designer behind the label West Fens, who balances creativity and consistency by creating men's clothing that is uncommon yet practical.
Describe your brand, and the point of view you wish to convey.
West Fens technically falls under men's sports wear, and exists to help you get from point A to point B in styles that compliment your individual stride. I strive to create clothing that is fashion-forward, but relevant; fun but focused.
Describe your favorite project or projects that you have worked on.
My favorite project I am currently working on is my upcoming Middle Eastern inspired line. This line includes a deep red brocade, mandarin style suiting, and some gowns to complete the line.
Not your Ordinary Briefcase Fall 2017
Tell me about the overarching ideas of your brand.
I believe that clothing should reflect and complement your unique personality. Clothing should not be looked at as a uniform, but a form of expression, while giving you the practicality you need to go through the day. West Fens focuses on men who want a unique aspect to their wardrobe that makes them feel confident.
The Charcoal Edition detail shot Fall 2017
What signature styles or silhouettes do you feature in your line?
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy incorporates long silhouettes, unique pocket placements, and clean style lines. The color story is a combination of neutrals with an accent color of forest green.
How do you balance creativity and consistency in your work?
I balance consistency and creativity by looking at what my main customer wants. "Be fashion forward for your customer" is a philosophy I live and design by.
Upcoming Adir Deron line Fall 2018
What inspired your new collection, and how are you interpreting that inspiration for specific pieces?
The original inspiration came from the rhyme: "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief." While researching the rhyme, I came across the book "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" by John le Carré. This book inspired me to create a combination of styles and details that emphasize men’s individual tastes and needs.
To learn more about Lydia and her work, visit her website and follow along on Instagram as she continues to prepare for the runway in February! And be sure to grab tickets to Omaha Fashion Week February 27-March 3!