Love what we do? Help us keep doing it. Sign the petition! — Omaha Fashion Week

Brook Hudson, OFW Producer here. As the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded, I’ve grown increasingly concerned about how small business owners, freelancers, and 1099 contractors are going to survive this. In the past, we could joke about “going to flip burgers” if things don’t work out…but right now, sometimes you can’t even buy a burger to flip if you have the money to buy.

Omaha Fashion Week relies on the expertise of small business owners, freelancers, and 1099 contractors for everything it does. The runway photography, the lights, the runway construction, hairstylists, makeup up artists, designers, models, the check-in desk, videographers, stagehands, stylists….you name it. Every single thing we do to make OFW an exceptional event for designers, attendees, and the city of Omaha is supported by small business owners, freelancers, and 1099 contractors. And right now, the State of Nebraska has no answer for how they can help these people through this crisis.

Fashion is one small part of the broader arts and entertainment industry in our city, which is primarily made up of these types of workers. These are people who have the courage to pursue their passion and help make our city a better place to live, work, and play. Without them, our Omaha would not be the vibrant place it is. If you love what we do, please support us by signing this petition, which was put together by fellow community member, Ariel Panowicz.

Right now, the state has generously made immediate unemployment relief available for payroll workers who have had hours reduced or have been laid off. But there is nothing in the plan for the other 50% of workers who are small business owners, freelancers, and 1099 contractors...many of whom are in our beloved arts and entertainment industry.

CNN reported that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned this pandemic could drive unemployment up to 20% - the highest unemployment number since the Great Depression. But it excludes small business owners, freelancers and 1099 workers - many of whom are watching gigs disappear by the day. Do the math and imagine the true number of people who will be out of work. THAT is why relief for ALL workers who are affected by the economic fallout from COVID-19 is so important.

I hope you will join us in supporting our small business and creative community. Questions or ideas? Reach out to me personally on social media at @brookhudson. In the words of Tim Gunn, let’s “make it work.”


Brook Hudson
OFW Producer

Want other ways to support small business owners and freelancers during COVID-19?

Buy gift cards from your favorite shops and salons. There will come a time in which small businesses will be open again, so why not purchase a gift card now, that you can use later? This is a fantastic way to make sure that your favorite shop, hairstylist, or photographer is getting some income right now when the business needs it the most.

Shop online. You can support a local business straight from your computer or phone! Many shops and local makers offer online shopping, which is a great way to support them while practicing social distancing. This can even include things like ordering prints from photographers who have had to cancel their shoots, or paying for virtual yoga classes from your local favorite!

Order carry-out or curbside pickup from your favorite restaurant. Many local eateries are still offering pickup options while their dine-in seating is shut down. Take a night off from cooking and support your favorite restaurant!

Consider a donation. Not everyone is able to do this, but if your income won’t be affected by the coronavirus pandemic, consider a donation to a local business or an artist union that could need it. Any sort of assistance could mean the world to someone who isn’t sure how they are going to pay their bills next month.

Contact your state and federal representatives. Take the time to reach out to your elected officials! Petitions, emails, and phone calls are a call to action to protect the livelihood of integral members of our community by providing relief funds to small business owners, freelancers, and contracted workers. It’s free, and it MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

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