Hi! Brook Hudson, OFW Producer, here with some info about all the things we are doing to keep talent safe backstage during our August 2021 season.
We are essentially re-implementing the same protocols that were used in August 2020. We made this decision in early July due to the spread of the more contagious Delta variant in our community + the low number of young people who have been vaccinated. Most of our backstage participants are young adults and teens. We feel a great burden of responsibility to protect them, while still providing an outlet for creative self expression for which OFW has become known.
OFW Producer Brook Hudson, Designer Borris Powell, and the OFW Panel all wear face coverings. Please do the same.
Masks are mandatory at all times backstage for designers, models, beauty alliance members, staff and volunteers., The only exception to this rule is when a model or designer is on the runway. OFW will provide a series of n-95 conical masks + surgical masks that models will use backstage as they go through hair & makeup, line-up and after they exit the runway. Some designers have decided to incorporate masks into their collections - in that case, models will wear the mask provided by their designer at all times backstage.
We are limiting the amount of time models spend in hair & makeup. This is one of the riskiest times when Covid could be spread, as models must remove their masks to have makeup done. Beauty Alliance members providing hair & makeup services will remain masked at all times. Models will be in hair & makeup unmasked for less than 10 minutes. To facilitate this, we have been doing online tutorials, both pre-taped and live, via zoom over the past few weeks with the goal of teaching models how to prep their hair & faces for a quick turnaround backstage. Designers have been asked to keep these time limitations in mind as they put together their inspiration for hair & makeup. Most are focusing on enhancing the eyes rather than lips, to help us keep models masked.
Collections will move through backstage in cohorts. Each collection involves 6-15 models, the designer and a personal assistant. Each collection will have a draped off designated area to relax in while waiting backstage. Each collection will move as one unit through hair & makeup, changing into runway garments and during lineup before entering the runway. The OFW team has allocated 6,000 square feet of additional backstage space to make this type of movement possible. By moving collections in cohorts, contact tracing among smaller groups will be easier in the event Covid is spread.
Models will not be allowed to mingle with guests in front of house. To support this effort to keep backstage and front of house separate, we are setting up a backstage step & repeat for collection photos and providing a live feed of the show + seating in the VIP Lounge (which closes to show attendees at 7:45 p.m.) for models to hang out after they walk. Models will have the option of watching the show backstage or exiting the building after they walk.
Pre-show safety: The 10 days leading up to shows is critical for ensuring a healthy backstage. All talent is encouraged to limit their exposure to high risk situations in the 10 days prior to shows. We are advising them to get vaccinated as soon as they can, wear masks when out in public and avoid crowds during that critical time period. Designers are asked to finish all fittings prior to the 10 days before shows begin to avoid the possibility of spreading Covid among models in their collections. All will be reminded to monitor themselves for Covid symptoms during that period and inform us immediately if they feel sick, receive a positive Covid test or have a close contact with someone who tests positive for Covid. Anyone in that situation should NOT participate backstage. The sooner we know, the easier it will be for us to make sure the show goes on safely, without a hitch.